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Why does dangerous goods use dangerous goods wooden box? The reason is in it

Release time:2024/3/1 8:40:35

 The packaging of dangerous goods needs to be done after two layers of packaging before transportation, first with glass bottles to hold dangerous goods acid, and then with wooden box to package glass bottles, but also with dangerous goods wooden box to packaging, ordinary wooden box can not be used for dangerous goods acid packaging.


Why is dangerous goods acid packaged in dangerous wooden boxes?


Some people may think that the two layers of packaging is a mountain out of a teacup, but dangerous goods acid is very corrosive and toxic gas, accidentally leaked will produce great danger to the transporter, the fragility of glass bottles is not easy to transport, but dangerous goods acid is easy to produce chemical reaction with metal materials, so the use of dangerous goods wooden box


As a suitable packaging for transportation and storage, the wooden box of dangerous goods can effectively block the contact between dangerous goods acid and the transporter, and then the wooden box also has a strong corrosion resistance.


The storage and transportation of dangerous goods used to protect the wooden box of dangerous goods acid is also considered for safety. If the wooden box of dangerous goods is not used, the packaging of dangerous goods acid leakage may cause safety damage to the people around you.

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