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If the dangerous goods packaging is not enough, can we use the ordinary packaging temporary count?

Release time:2024/3/7 8:17:58

 The packaging should be selected according to the size of the items in the packaging. For special packaging, dangerous goods packaging should be used, which is the need to be specially customized packaging, so if the special packaging is not enough, can we use other ordinary packaging to make up the number?


1. The uniformity of the packaging must be ensured.


In the use of special packaging, to try to ensure the unity of the packaging, so that it seems more beautiful, but also better statistics, transportation and storage can be placed in accordance with the unified model.


2. Ordinary packaging cannot be selected, and safety cannot be guaranteed.


For some daily items, if there is no special need, you can use ordinary packaging products for packaging.


But if it has been determined that dangerous goods packaging must be used, you can not use ordinary packaging. This is because for the packaging of the goods, if there is a different packaging, then there will be problems in the stacking, and also because of the packaging problems will affect the safety of the internal goods, the problem can not be held accountable.

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Copyright: Yangzhou zhanggang xinggang packaging and printing factory    Address:NO.600,Jinling Village, Xiannv town Jiangdu Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province
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