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A brief introduction to the production process of dangerous bag wooden box

Release time:2024/3/19 8:35:03

Design and planning are required before making the UN boxes. Determine the size, shape and structure of wooden boxes according to the characteristics and requirements of dangerous goods. In the design and planning process, the strength, pressure resistance and fire performance of wooden boxes and comply with international and domestic regulations and standards.


1. Material selection


Choosing the right wood is an important step in making dangerous goods wood boxes. Commonly used wood includes pine, birch, oak and plywood. According to the characteristics and requirements of dangerous goods, select the wood with suitable strength and pressure resistance. In addition, the corrosion resistance and fire resistance of wood need to be considered.


2. Cutting and processing


The selected wood is cut and processed according to the design and plan. Cut the wood into the desired size and shape, using the appropriate tools and equipment. Wood wood, such as slotting, drilling, etc, for assembly and fixation.


3. Assembly and fixation


Cut and processed wood for assembled and fixed. Assembly of wood into wooden boxes using suitable connections, such as screws, bolts, etc. Ensure firm and stable assembly to withstand vibration and impact during transportation.


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Copyright: Yangzhou zhanggang xinggang packaging and printing factory    Address:NO.600,Jinling Village, Xiannv town Jiangdu Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province
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