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Detailed introduction of the process and method of customized dangerous wood box

Release time:2024/4/8 9:42:33

 Customizing dangerous goods wooden boxes requires a series of processes and methods to ensure that the wooden boxes meet the characteristics and requirements of dangerous goods.


1. Determine the packaging requirements and specifications


Before customization the UN box, first need to determine the specific packaging requirements and specifications. This includes the types, characteristics and packaging requirements of dangerous goods, as well as the conditions for transportation and storage. Based on this information, determine the size, shape, structure and material of the wooden box.


2. Design and draw the sketches


Design and sketch of wooden boxes according to the packaging requirements and specifications. The sketch shall include the appearance, structure and connection mode of the wooden box. In the design process, the strength, pressure resistance, fire resistance and performance of anti-corrosion.


3. Choose the right wood and materials


Select suitable wood and materials according to the design sketch.


4. Processing and production


Process and make wooden boxes based on the design sketches and selected wood and materials.


5. Conduct quality inspection


After production, conduct quality inspection of wooden box.


6. Mark and mark the dangerous wrapped wooden boxes


Carry to the characteristics and marking of according to the characteristics and packaging requirements.

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Copyright: Yangzhou zhanggang xinggang packaging and printing factory    Address:NO.600,Jinling Village, Xiannv town Jiangdu Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province
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