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Several common dangerous goods packaging materials and their related characteristics and applications

Release time:2024/4/15 9:34:27

 Common dangerous goods packaging materials play an important role in the transportation and storage of dangerous goods, which can provide protection and isolation, and ensure the safety and stability of dangerous goods.


1. Metal packaging containers


Metal packaging containers are a common material, such as steel barrels, aluminum cans, etc. Metal containers have high strength and pressure resistance, and can withstand the vibration and impact during transportation. In addition, metal containers also have good fire and corrosion resistance performance, suitable for packaging flammable, explosive, corrosive and other dangerous goods.


2. Anticorrosive wood


Anticorrosive wood, such as anticorrosive wood box, anticorrosive wood pallets, etc. Anti-corrosive wood has good corrosion resistance and can resist the erosion of some corrosive dangerous goods. Anti-corrosive wood also has high strength and pressure resistance, suitable for large packaging weight of dangerous goods.


3. Glass packaging containers


Glass packaging containers are more used in some specific dangerous goods packaging, such as glass bottles, glass tubes, etc. Glass containers have good corrosion resistance and sealing properties, which can maintain the stability and purity of dangerous goods. However, glass containers are relatively fragile and easy to break, which need to be more protected during the packaging process.

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Copyright: Yangzhou zhanggang xinggang packaging and printing factory    Address:NO.600,Jinling Village, Xiannv town Jiangdu Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province
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