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Common error operation in the packaging of dangerous goods

Release time:2024/4/17 15:20:30

 Dangerous goods packaging is a serious and important task, the following errors should be careful




Overloading can result in insufficient strength of the packaging container to withstand the pressure and vibration during transportation, increasing the risk of packaging rupture and leakage. Therefore, when packaging dangerous goods, the relevant regulations and standards must be observed to ensure that the load of the packaging container does not exceed its carrying capacity.


2. The packaging container is not tightly closed


The lax sealing of packaging containers is a common wrong operation in dangerous goods packaging. If the lid or seal of the container is not properly installed or damaged, there will cause an increased risk of hazardous goods leakage. This may not only cause harm to personnel and the environment, but may also violate relevant regulations and standards.


3, for mixing and cross-contamination


During the packaging process of UN packaging, the mixture of different types of dangerous goods or different batches of dangerous goods is a serious wrong operation. This may lead to chemical reactions between dangerous goods or produce dangerous substances, increasing the risk of accidents. May lead to mutual contamination and affect the quality and stability of dangerous goods.


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Copyright: Yangzhou zhanggang xinggang packaging and printing factory    Address:NO.600,Jinling Village, Xiannv town Jiangdu Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province
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