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What is the difference in the packaging requirements of solid dangerous goods?

Release time:2024/3/28 9:21:41

 Solid dangerous goods packaging needs to choose the appropriate packaging materials and packaging methods. Demand is still relatively large, mainly including the following aspects:


Packaging materials: solid often use pressure resistant, impact resistant packaging containers, such as plastic buckets, cartons, etc. The packaging container must have sufficient strength and pressure resistance to prevent the leakage and breakage of solid dangerous goods.


Inner packaging and outer packaging: solids are usually packaged in the inner and outer packaging. The inner packaging is mainly used to package the solid goods itself, and the outer packaging is used to protect the inner packaging and provide additional protection. There should be a certain buffer and isolation effect between the inner packaging and the outer packaging.


Identification and label: the solid dangerous goods packaging must indicate the nature, risk grade, warning language and symbols. In addition, it is also necessary to paste the corresponding dangerous goods labels on the package, so that the transportation personnel and users can identify and take appropriate safety measures.

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