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Dangerous goods wooden boxes can also be made of plywood?

Release time:2024/3/29 8:34:10

 The production of dangerous goods wooden box often uses pine, birch, oak and other wood. Each wood has different characteristics and scope of application, which needs to be selected according to the characteristics and requirements of dangerous goods. Some people say that dangerous goods wooden boxes can also be made of plywood, is this true?


1: About the plywood


Plywood is a sheet of plywood with high strength and stability. It is suitable for packaging various types of dangerous goods, such as chemicals, petroleum products, and explosives. Plywood has good pressure resistance and impact resistance, and can withstand the vibration and impact during transportation. In addition, the plywood also has a good corrosion prevention performance and a certain fire prevention performance.


2: The source and treatment method should be considered when choosing wood.


Ensure that wood comes from legal and sustainable sources that meet environmental requirements. In addition, according to the characteristics and requirements of dangerous goods, special wood treatment may be required to improve its corrosion protection and fire resistance.


The selection of suitable wood can ensure the dangerous goods wooden box sufficient strength, pressure resistance and fire resistance to protect the safety of dangerous goods during transportation and storage.

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