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How to communicate with the manufacturer when the customized dangerous bag wooden box?

Release time:2024/4/19 10:47:04

 When custom the UN wooden box, it is very important to fully communicate with the manufacturer. The following will introduce some matters to consider when communicating with the manufacturer.


1. Characteristics of dangerous goods


Before communicating with the manufacturer, it is necessary to understand and clarify the characteristics of the dangerous goods. This includes the types, hazard level, physical and chemical characteristics of dangerous goods. By providing accurate information on dangerous goods, manufacturers can design and make wooden boxes according to specific needs.


2. Mode of transportation


Understanding the transportation mode of dangerous goods is also very important for the design and production of wooden boxes. Different modes of transport may vary in the strength, stability, and protection requirements of the UN wooden boxes. When communicating with the manufacturers, they should be informed of the transportation mode of dangerous goods to ensure that the wooden boxes can adapt to the corresponding transportation conditions.


3. Packaging requirements


Clarifying the packaging requirements of dangerous goods is crucial to customize the dangerous bag wooden boxes. This includes packaging dimensions, packaging materials, sealing requirements, protection or fillings, etc. Packaging requirements can be discussed with the manufacturer and to ensure that the custom wooden boxes can meet these requirements.

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