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What marks should be found on the dangerous goods package?

Release time:2024/4/22 14:59:56

 Dangerous goods sign is a graphic sign used to warn and identify dangerous goods. Different dangerous goods packaging categories have different marks, such as flammable, corrosive, toxic, oxidant, etc. In addition, there should be the following identification of:


1: Tags


A dangerous goods label is a label used to identify a dangerous article, usually affixed to a packaging container. The dangerous goods label includes the dangerous goods name, dangerous nature, dangerous goods packaging, warning language and other information. It should be clear, complete and not easy to wear, to ensure that people can accurately identify the nature and danger of dangerous goods.


2. Packaging identification


Packaging identification is a label used to identify the packaging container, including information about the packaging date, packer, and packaging batch. This information is very important for tracing and managing the transport and storage of dangerous goods.


3. Warning language


The warnings may vary depending on the packaging type and hazardous nature. The warning should be clear, concise and easy to understand so that people can quickly identify and understand the dangers of dangerous goods.

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